Research Data Centre DeZIM.fdz

The Research Data Centre DeZIM.fdz offers scientists and academics the possibility to access research data from projects conducted at the DeZIM Institute or the institutes of the DeZIM research community. In addition, DeZIM.fdz offers extensive support for individual data sets as well as for various methodological foci. DeZIM.fdz regularly conducts surveys via the online access panel DeZIM.panel; researchers and employees of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) can contribute to the questions asked there. In addition, DeZIM.fdz maintains an extensive meta-database of existing studies in the field of integration and migration, archived at the data center or externally. DeZIM.fdz makes this information available for research purposes.

Data request

The modules of the DeZIM-FDZ

The DeZIM.fdz consists of four interconnected modules:

(1) Data Archive

The DeZIM.fdz archives data collected in the context of projects run by the DeZIM Institute or the DeZIM research community. It makes this data available via secure means and promotes the exchange of ideas between DeZIM staff members.

(2) Support

DeZIM.fdz offers support to DeZIM staff members when it comes to preparing their research and collecting primary data. Coordinated with the other services offered at DeZIM.fdz, DeZIM.fdz also supports external users with regard to the data and methods used (e.g. support with data stored at DeZIM.fdz).

(3) Online Access Panel

The DeZIM.fdz also has an Online Access Panel (DeZIM.panel): an infrastructure that is closely linked to the data archive. This makes it possible, for example, to provide rapid policy advice.

(4) Meta-database

DeZIM.fdz provides DeZIM staff and other interested parties with information on existing studies in the field of migration and integration.

Offers from the research data centre:

  • DeZIM-Data.Explorer

Easily create your own statistics with the DeZIM-Data.Explorer:

The DeZIM Data.Explorer maps information from the dataset "Postmigrant Societies: East-Migrant Analogies".  With the help of this interactive tool, simple statistics can be created and graphically processed.

To the data set



Contact the Research Data Center

General inquiries can be sent to fdz(at) At the moment, our data can be accessed in the form of downloads. An overview and the request form can be found at

Accreditation by the Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD)

 DeZIM's research data centre has been accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) (

The RatSWD established a complaints office in July 2016. A contact form on the RatSWD website enables you to contact the RatSWD about any unresolved problems concerning the use of FDZ data that you have not been able to settle with the relevant contact person at the FDZ.

The contact form, details on the complaints the RatSWD covers, and the procedure can be found on the RatSWD website at