Elias Steinhilper

Dr. Elias Steinhilper

Researcher Consensus and Conflict Department

E-mail: steinhilper(at)dezim-institut.de

Dr. Elias Steinhilper is a political sociologist with a special interest in migration, racialization, civil society and social movements. He studied political science in Berlin and Freiburg, and holds a PhD in political science and sociology from Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence. Dr. Elias Steinhilper completed visiting research stays at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of California, Berkeley, and SciencesPo Paris. He is the author of "Migrant Protest. Interactive Dynamics in Precarious Mobilization" (2021, Amsterdam University Press)" and has published in various peer-reviewed journals such as Sociology, Social Movement Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, International Migration, and Social Inclusion.

Research focus

  • Political sociology
  • Protest and social movements
  • (Anti)Racism
  • Political polarization
  • Contentious migration politics
  • Civil society & civic engagement