Ramona Rischke

Dr. Ramona Rischke

Co-Head of Migration Department Migration Department

E-mail: rischke(at)dezim-institut.de fon: 0049 (0) 30-200754-301

Dr. Ramona Rischke is a migration and poverty researcher. She received her PhD in development economics and has been co-head of the Migration Department at DeZIM since July 2020. From 2011 to 2017, she conducted research at the Georg-August-University Göttingen at the Chair of Development Economics of Prof. Stephan Klasen. In Göttingen she conducted research mainly on multi-dimensional poverty, inequality, and welfare in low- and middle-income countries and developed expertise in rigorous policy evaluation. Subsequently, she focused on migration and refugee issues. Prior to joining the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM) in 2018, Dr. Rischke was involved in a project on the impact of the "European refugee crisis" on hate crime in Germany at Princeton University, among others. As part of her work at BIM, she was a junior research group leader for the collaborative projects "ExiTT" and the follow-up project "TRANSMIT" of the DeZIM research community. These projects are dedicated to the study of interactions between migration and integration processes in migration origin, transit and destination regions. Dr. Rischke is a member of the Netzwerk Fluchtforschung and the Development Economics Research Group, Göttingen.

Research focus

  • Multi-dimensional causes and effects of migration
  • Social cohesion in the context of (forced) migration