Dr. Susanne Veit
Co-Head of Cluster DMM & Head of DeZIM.lab Data-Method-Monitoring Cluster
E-mail: veit(at)dezim-institut.de fon: 0049 (0) 30-200754-140Susanne Veit is head of DeZIM.lab and co-head of the Cluster ‘Data Methods Monitoring’ cluster. Her central data infrastructure project in DeZIM.lab is the development of MIND.set, a platform for psychological tests (implicit bias tests) that can be easily integrated into online surveys. Susanne is a social psychologist with an interdisciplinary research focus. In her empirical research, she combines research questions from social psychology and the social sciences and investigates them using a variety of methods, mostly quantitative – in particular field and survey experiments and indirect tests. Her research has been published in various international journals such as the British Journal of Social Psychology, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Psychology Quarterly, Social Science Research and Political Psychology.
Research focus
- Field experiments, online experiments, & indirect (implicit) measures
- Prejudice and Discrimination
- Ethnic and racial stereotypes in intersection with gender
- Social crises, right-wing populism, & devaluation