Data archive

The DeZIM.fdz data archive provides research data from quantitative and qualitative surveys as well as text corpora from the research on integration and migration. We archive research data collected during research projects by the DeZIM Institute and the DeZIM research community, along with data gathered by external researchers.

Data request

Note for data providers

We record your data, advise you on how your data will be documented and processed, and help you anonymize it. We also advise on any other questions regarding the recording of data, whether it may be technical, legal or of any other kind. We use the service provided by the data registration agency da|ra. We can therefore assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to your research data and thus guarantee that the data can be referenced and cited in the long term.

Note for data users

The DeZIM Research Data Centre offers research data in the form of Public Use Files (PUFs), Campus Use Files (CUFs) and Scientific Use Files (SUFs). We can provide the Scientific Use Files (SUFs) via different means: they can be downloaded, accessed remotely on the bwCloud, or accessed on the premises of the DeZIM institute. The means of access depends on whether the data needs to be anonymized or how sensitive it is, and is determined by our data providers in consultation with us. Access to DeZIM data is regulated under the law. In order to use a SUF, you must indicate the purpose of your scientific research and be employed at a scientific institution. In addition, a data use contract must be concluded for this purpose. At the moment, access to the data we provide is already possible in the form of downloads.

For an overview and the application form, go to