National Monitoring of Discrimination and Racism (NaDiRa)

The National Monitoring of Discrimination and Racism (NaDiRa) is intended to provide reliable long-term information on the causes, extent and consequences of discrimination and racism in Germany based on various data sources. Based on this, effective measures against racism are to be developed.

With the National Monitoring of Discrimination and Racism, DeZIM is creating the basis for the long-term monitoring of racism in Germany.
Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu, Head of the Racism Monitoring (NaDiRa) unit

NaDiRa makes it possible for the first time in Germany to identify social developments in relation to racism and discrimination on the basis of evidence, in particular quantitative data. The results of the NaDiRa studies and corresponding recommendations for action are regularly published in reports. These are aimed at political decision-makers, civil society, researchers and the general public.

The NaDiRa focuses alternately on the key areas of health, housing, work and education. In the long term, indicators will be developed for these key areas of life in order to identify and analyze structural disadvantages and inequalities in greater depth. NaDiRa consists of two modules: Monitoring and Innovation.

Monitoring comprises four core methodological elements:

  1. NaDiRa.panel (population and stakeholder surveys)
  2. experiments
  3. Media and discourse data (analysis of newspapers and parliamentary debates)
  4. Case law data

The innovation module is divided into the sub-modules 1) Methodological innovations and 2) Theoretical-conceptual innovations. Methodological innovations include the preparation of the thematic focus areas of housing (2025), work (2027) and education (2029) as well as the integration of participatory and qualitative research approaches. Theoretical-conceptual innovations aim to further develop explanatory approaches to racism, including intermigrant dynamics and the nexus of racism and antisemitism.

  • Development and testing of new measuring instruments and items in preparation for a long-term quantitative discrimination and racism monitor.
  • A central element of the NaDiRa.panel is the development of questions to record self-identification and perceived external attribution. Both measurements offer the possibility of recording racist labeling in the German context. At the same time, these newly developed groups can be contrasted with the classic categories based on migration background and immigration history and used to discuss the respective advantages and disadvantages, especially when collecting quantitative data on social inequality.
  • Establishment of the NaDiRa.panel, which will survey individual attitudes to racist prejudices and experiences of discrimination and racism on a long-term and recurring basis.
  • Development and implementation of a civil society support process to involve civil society organizations and communities affected by racism in the research process. The aim is to take their perspectives and knowledge into account in the planning and implementation of research projects and to ensure critical monitoring.
  • Publication of the NaDiRa-CATI study Racist realitieswhich presents comprehensive and diverse data on attitudes, perceptions and experiences of racism.


Selection of key publications of the Racism Monitor

Department employees