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Academic Support for the Advancement of Sector Monitoring within the Comprehensive Refugee Concept for Berlin

Consensus and Conflict Department

Project head: Dr. Friederike RömerProf. Dr. Sabrina Zajak

Project coordination: Sophia Aalders Sifka Etlar Frederiksen

Project team members: Samera BartschDr. Maryam Rutner

Running time September 2023 until December 2023
Status Completed project

The scientific monitoring focuses on the investigation of experiences of discrimination by refugees both inside and outside refugee shelters in Berlin. To date, there is little empirical knowledge about the experiences of discrimination of refugees in Berlin, and these short partial studies are intended to provide insights in this area and shed light on the topic. Specifically, the scientific monitoring is intended to support and advise the Commissioner of the Berlin Senate for Integration and Migration and her department in the development of specialist monitoring as part of the overall concept for the integration and participation of refugees on the cross-cutting issue of anti-discrimination. The scientific monitoring is divided into two sub-studies, one of which is based on qualitative interviews and the other on a quantitative online survey.

Sub-study 1 (qualitative survey) - cross-cutting issue of anti-discrimination (01.09.2024-31.12.2024): Sifka Etlar Frederiksen, Samera Bartsch & Maryam Rutner

The qualitative survey focuses on three main aspects of the study: (1) cases of discrimination (forms and places of discrimination in accommodation and outside; communication channels of incidents); (2) knowledge of protection against discrimination (AGG; LADG, advice centers; hurdles and access barriers to advice centers, other contact points); (3) awareness of anti-discrimination services (advice services and other contact points). Specifically, the following questions should be answered: What experiences of discrimination do refugees have in Berlin? To what extent are refugees aware of the legal protection against discrimination? To what extent are refugees aware of relevant advice centers and other anti-discrimination services? What are the barriers to accessing anti-discrimination services? In order to answer these questions, interviews were conducted with refugees and with anti-discrimination and other advice centers in Berlin.

Sub-study 2 (quantitative survey) - "Accommodation, housing and social affairs", survey on discrimination in accommodation for refugees (01.10.2024-31.12.2024): Sophia Aalders, Sifka Etlar Frederiksen, Maryam Rutner & Friederike Römer

The quantitative sub-study concentrates on two main aspects: In terms of content, the focus is on investigating experiences of discrimination among refugees in Berlin refugee shelters. In addition to the experiences of discrimination, it also asks about the perpetrators and the reason for the experience of discrimination. Methodologically, the focus is on testing the instrument. The aim is to design and implement an explorative quantitative survey in order to test questions that are as closed as possible for the survey of refugees' experiences of discrimination in accommodation facilities. This should ensure that the instrument is tested in a context- and target group-specific manner and is suitable for possible future data collection as part of the monitoring concept in Berlin.

Funding: State Commissioner of the Berlin Senate for Integration and Migration (Third-party funding)