Evaluation of the Reporting and Information Centre on Antiziganism (MIA)
Expert Group on Democracy Promotion and Democratic Practice
Project head: Dr. Olaf Kleist , Dr. Mirjam Weiberg
Project coordination: Till Sträter
Project team members: Dr. Christian Sowa
Antiziganism is widespread in Germany, but incidents typical of the phenomenon are insufficiently recorded. The Antiziganism Reporting and Information Center (MIA), founded in 2022, documents such incidents in order to empower those affected and to create awareness for the topic. This project undertakes a process- and outcome-oriented evaluation to examine the implementation of MIA on the one hand and the results of the implementation on the other hand and to evaluate them according to pre-developed criteria (impact goals). For this purpose, document and literature research, guideline-based interviews with stakeholders, focused survey workshops as well as participatory monitoring will be conducted. From this, a final report at the level of outputs (activities) will summatively examine the implementation and results with respect to the impact goals; in addition, recommendations for action will be formatively developed that are geared towards improved and sustainable impact goal achievement.
The project focuses on a) the set-up of MIA and b) the implementation of the main activities with the following questions:
a) It will be examined to what extent the establishment of the MIA structures, in particular the reporting offices (central and regional) and the referral counseling, correspond on the one hand to the project goals and objectives and on the other hand to the general needs of the commitment against antiziganism; to what extent deviations in the implementation of the project goals and objectives are justified in the context of the achievement of the objectives; which activities, projects and supports would be necessary for an improved and sustainable achievement of the objectives.
b) The extent to which selected activities within the framework of MIA contribute to the achievement of the impact objective is examined. In particular, the work of the hotlines and referral counseling will be examined. Due to limited capacities, the areas of "reporting tools and communication" as well as training and public relations are excluded from the evaluation. The question is whether the activities are fundamentally suitable for achieving the goals of MIA and to what extent activities and structures could be improved and/or expanded in order to better and sustainably achieve the desired goals.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Third-party funding)