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  • Fluchtbiografien, Familienstrukturen und Rückkehrpläne von Frauen mit Asylberechtigung und subsidiärem Schutz

Fluchtbiografien, Familienstrukturen und Rückkehrpläne von Frauen mit Asylberechtigung und subsidiärem Schutz

Migration Department

Project head: Dr. Franck Düvell

Running time July 2019 until December 2020
Status Completed project

How and in what family structures do refugee women live in Germany, what biographies and what plans do they have for the future? It is important to answer these questions - not least in order to support refugee women in Germany and to identify any specific needs that may exist. With the quantitative data of the IAB-BAMFSOEP survey of refugees in Germany, these questions have already been investigated as far as possible within the framework of the project "GeFF (Geflüchtete Frauen und Familien)" (Refugee Women and Families), a sub-project of the kick-off project of the DeZIM research community. In this project, this perspective was to be supplemented by in-depth qualitative interviews. The main focus of interest was on questions about additional needs for support, the women's medium- and long-term migration aspirations and, in particular, possible return plans.

Results: When looking at previous research, research gaps and partly different understandings of certain integration-relevant concepts were identified, for example with regard to the concepts of "gainful employment" and "return aspirations". Based on these findings, interview questions were developed, a survey method (purposive sampling) was determined and participants were selected. Some of the in-depth interviews could be conducted by telephone. Due to the pandemic, field access was limited; the sample was restricted to Arabic-speaking women who could be reached through snowball sampling. The analysed interview material and the results were published in a DeZIM Research Note.

Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Institutional funding)