From withdrawal to self-empowerment: Coping Strategies in the Face of Racist, Sexist, Queerphobic, and Classist Discrimination
Consensus and Conflict Department
Project head: Prof. Dr. Sabrina Zajak
Project team members: Sophia Aalders , Samera Bartsch , Miriam Meksem
Although first cross-characteristic studies on discrimination frequencies and different forms of discrimination in Germany are available (especially Rottleuthner et al. 2011; Beigang et al. 2018), studies on coping strategies to discrimination in Germany and also internationally are predominantly limited to one discrimination dimension, for example racial discrimination (Rausch et al. 2021; Lamont et al. 2016; Scherr and Breit 2020). With this research project, we aim to typologize existing studies on coping strategies to experiences of discrimination and analyze similarities and differences between responses of different groups affected by discrimination in Germany. The focus is on comparing reactions to racist, sexist, queer-hostile, and classist discrimination. As an extension to existing studies, this project considers other framework conditions of discrimination experiences (e.g., existence of community structures, institutional complaint possibilities, recognition as a group vulnerable to discrimination, cultural repertoires) as relevant factors in addition to the sphere of life (e.g., work, leisure). Both individual and collective patterns of action are considered without being evaluated. By reactions, we mean not only situational responses, but also longer-term coping strategies.
The project uses a multi-methodological design, which evaluates and combines quantitative survey data available at DeZIM with a view to reactions and complements these with narrative interview data.
Based on the results, recommendations for action will be developed as to how those affected by discrimination and their communities can be better strengthened and which framework conditions are conducive to this.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Institutional funding)