Perceptions of Peace and Migration Aspirations in Societies Affected by Violent Conflicts

Migration Department

Project head: Dr. Pau Palop-García

Running time January 2024 until December 2024
Status Completed project

The literature on migration aspirations focuses on understanding how individual and contextual factors shape individuals' desires, intentions or plans to migrate. Empirical research in recent decades has only partially explored how the determinants of migration aspirations are shaped in societies characterized by violent conflict. By linking the academic literature on migration aspirations and conflict studies, this research project addresses this part of the literature. The research question of this project investigates how people's different conceptions of 'peace' influence migration aspirations at the individual level. To answer the research question, the project will use multivariate regression analysis to analyze data from representative surveys in five countries (Colombia, Venezuela, Cameroon, the Philippines and Tunisia). The project is carried out in cooperation with the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA).

Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Institutional funding)