Pilot project: Research College Migration
DeZIM Research Community
Project team:
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pott
Project team members: Dr. J. Olaf Kleist
Project description:
The task of the pilot project 'Forschungskolleg Migration' consisted of documenting and processing knowledge stocks on essential, internationally intensively discussed, but also newly emerging topic areas of migration research with the help of inviting internationally leading academics as fellows to the partner institutes of the DeZIM research community. The aim was to identify research gaps, to improve the project work of the DeZIM community through conceptual, content-related and methodological impulses and to jointly formulate and discuss new research questions, ideas and cooperative work projects. The events (workshops, lectures) and publications of the Research College served to strengthen and international network as well as profile DeZIM and German migration research as a whole. At the core of the research college was a fellowship programme, with which the research college was to be tested and established as a communication space and future working format of DeZIM.
The DeZIM Fellows included:
Prof. Cathryn Costello, University of Oxford, Prof. Mathias Czaika, Danube University Krems, Prof. Nick van Hear, University of Oxford, Prof. Marlou Schrover, University of Leiden, Prof. Helga de Valk, NIDI / University of Groningen.
Participating collaborative partners: Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS)
Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Third-party funding)