State regulation in the integration society
Integration Department
Project head: Dr. Niklas Harder
Project team members: Yogam Tchokni
In integration research and also in the public debate, it is now widely accepted that integration is not a "one-way street". This means that the responsibility for successful integration does not lie unilaterally with migrants. Nevertheless, integration reporting largely consists of data on migrants. The contribution of state institutions to the integration of migrants, on the other hand, is not systematically recorded. The project "State Regulation in the Integration Society" aims to fill this gap and examine the contribution of state action to integration on the basis of selected administrative statistics. In order to examine the usefulness of administrative data in integration research, the project pursues two guiding questions. On the one hand, it will analyse how public authorities deal with the additional workload resulting from rapidly increasing immigration. On the other hand, it will be examined in more detail to what extent integration and discrimination can be viewed on the basis of frequently used statistics such as the police crime statistics or the criminal prosecution statistics. At this point, less frequently used administrative statistics such as the data of the driving aptitude register will also be used. The aim of the project is to use the potential of already available and processed administrative data for more comprehensive integration research.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Institutional funding)