Publication type: Book Chapter
Colonial Histories and their Impacts on Religious Education
Subtitle: Germany, Namibia, and Nigeria
Authors: Graefe-Geusch, Annett Publication year: 2023
In this chapter, I explore the impact of colonialism on religious education (RE) in three different country contexts: Germany, Namibia, and Nigeria. I thus seek to bring into conversation a former colonizer with two of its colonies. Especially in Germany, the colonial past has so far played a minor role in public and pedagogical conceptions of diversity, despite its strong influence on the present. Drawing on post-colonial though and specifically Bhambra’s (2014) conception of connected sociologies, I argue that RE has an important role to play at the intersection of past and present, between dealing with past atrocities and racism and exclusion of diversity today. By looking at the philosophical basis for RE and the present state of RE in each context I sketch out a possible research program that can take up the task of decolonizing RE in Germany and beyond.
ISBN: 9781350297272