Publication type: Journal Article 2

Securitising or Developing the European Neighbourhood? Migration Management in Moldova

Authors: Ratzmann, Nora Publication year: 2012

The European Neighbourhood Policy’s (ENP) overarching goal of strengthening mutual prosperity, stability and security could be translated into two distinct policy areas in the operational sphere: development and security. Drawing on the example of the Republic of Moldova, the focus of this article is on policy implementation of the ENP. Moldova, a former Republic of the Soviet Union, politically ‘sandwiched’ between the European Union (EU) and Russia, is home of an unsolved, frozen conflict with the breakaway region of Transnistria. In addition, it is characterized by low levels of economic development, high emigration rates and an imperfect democracy – problems that are also found in other ENP partner countries. Within the EU–Moldovan relationship particular attention appears to be given to initiatives regulating the cross-border movement of people. This analysis asks whether and why security interests lie at the core of the ENP, with migration being pivotal.

doi: 10.1080/14683857.2012.686188
Ratzmann, Nora (2012): Securitising or Developing the European Neighbourhood? Migration Management in Moldova. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12 (2), 261-280. DOI: 10.1080/14683857.2012.686188.