Publication type: Journal Article 2
Social Cohesion in Times of Forced Displacement. The Perspective of Youth in Jordan
Authors: Kuhnt, Jana; Rischke, Ramona; David, Anda; Lechtenfeld, Tobias Publication year: 2019
This article explores perceptions of social cohesion among youth living in Jordan (age 18-35) as well as changing perceptions in times where the country hosted large and growing numbers of Syrian refugees. Using novel data from an online survey, the article presents evidence of a modest decrease in overall social cohesion in Jordan. Young people want to be actors of change and have a clear desire for more civic participation. The results point to opportunities for strengthening social cohesion between host and refugee youth and barriers that youth face to participate in society more actively.
doi: 10.5771/2509-9485-2019-2-320 ISSN: 2509-9485