Publikationstyp: DeZIM Research Notes 6

Black Lives Matter in Europe

Untertitel: Transnational Diffusion, Local Translation and Resonance of Anti-Racist Protest in Germany, Italy, Denmark and Poland

AutorInnen: Milman, Noa; Ajayi, Folashade; della Porta, Donatella; Doerr, Nicole; Kocyba, Piotr; Lavizzari, Anna; Reiter, Herbert; Płucienniczak, Piotr; Sommer, Moritz; Steinhilper, Elias; Zajak, Sabrina Publikationsjahr: 2021

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The violent death of George Floyd caused by a police officer on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, MN, has not only sparked mass mobilizations in the United States, but also led to an unprecedented diffusion of “Black Lives Matter” protests in Europe. Floyd’s death served as a catalyst for civil society actors to more broadly denounce police violence and racism. This Research Note presents the findings of an empirical pilot study, comparing the scope, localization and resonance of Black Lives Matter protests in Germany, Italy, Denmark and Poland. Based on newspaper content analysis and qualitative interviews with protest organizers, the findings document differences in the scope and geographical reach of BLM protest activity, but also similarities in its unprecedented mobilization capacity among Black and PoC activists who had no previous protest experience or established ties to social movements.

Keywords: Black Lives Matter; protest; anti-racism; Europe; social movements

ISBN: 978-3-948289-10-2
Milman, Noa; Ajayi, Folashade; della Porta, Donatella; Doerr, Nicole; Kocyba, Piotr; Lavizzari, Anna; Reiter, Herbert; Płucienniczak, Piotr; Sommer, Moritz; Steinhilper, Elias; Zajak, Sabrina (2021): Black Lives Matter in Europe: Transnational Diffusion, Local Translation and Resonance of Anti-Racist Protest in Germany, Italy, Denmark and Poland. DeZIM Research Notes 6, Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM).