Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Cultural value fit of immigrant and minority adolescents: The role of acculturation orientations
AutorInnen: Schiefer, David; Möllering, Anne; Daniel, Ella Publikationsjahr: 2012
This study examined the similarity of immigrant and minority adolescents’ cultural values to those shared by the majority of the country they live in, i.e. the cultural value fit. It was hypothesized that immigrant and minority individuals who show different acculturation orientations differ in their cultural value fit. The highest cultural value fit was expected for individuals pursuing an assimilation orientation, the lowest fit for individuals with a separation orientation. Individuals with a marginalization or integration orientation were expected to take a mid position. Survey data were used from immigrant and minority adolescents: Immigrants from countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Germany (N = 862) and Israel (N = 435), immigrants from Turkey to Germany (N = 664), and members of the Arab minority in Israel (N = 488). Results of Analyses of Variance showed similar patterns in all four samples in line with the hypothesis but pointed also to stronger effects among FSU immigrants as opposed to Turkish immigrants and Arab Israelis. Results are discussed with regard to the general contribution of the cultural fit research for the acculturation research and with regard to the role of cultural value fit for psychological well-being of immigrants and minority members. The stronger effects found among the FSU samples as opposed to the Turkish respectively Arab Israeli sample are discussed against the background of the fact that the former are mainly diaspora-immigrants for which cultural value adaptation to the receiving country might be easier compared to the latter.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2012.02.001 ISSN: 0147-1767