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  • If they don’t understand the question, they won’t answer. Language mismatch in face-to-face interviews

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel

If they don’t understand the question, they won’t answer. Language mismatch in face-to-face interviews

AutorInnen: Jacobsen, Jannes Publikationsjahr: 2022

The provision of translated field instruments is a crucial aspect to reduce response burden and subsequently increase data quality in surveys with a multi-linguistic target population such as surveys on recent immigrants. Failure to address this can result in a mismatch between the survey language and the respondent’s mother tongue. By using a survey on refugees in Germany, this article explores the correlation of the absence of the respondents’ mother tongue on item nonresponse – a crucial aspect of data quality. Further, this article investigates whether supplementary audio recordings in the same language as the written questions can reduce item nonresponse when the mother tongue is not available. To answer the research questions, all missing answers per individual are counted and analyzed by means of poisson regression analyses. In a second step, the likelihood of item-nonresponse for single items is estimated as well. Results show that a language mismatch as well as the usage of audio recordings increase item nonresponse.


Keywords: Respondent burdenitem nonresponsecross-cultural survey methodspoisson regression

doi: 10.2478/jos-2022-0022 ISSN: 2001-7367 Open Access
Jacobsen, Jannes (2022): If they don’t understand the question, they won’t answer. Language mismatch in face-to-face interviews. Journal of Official Statistics 38 (2), 453-484. DOI: 10.2478/jos-2022-0022.