Publikationstyp: DeZIM Briefing Notes 2

One million irregular migrants in Germany?

Untertitel: A methodological critique of estimates of irregular migrants in Europe published by Pew Research Center

AutorInnen: Hosner, Roland Publikationsjahr: 2020

Abbildung Cover der Publikation

•  The estimated figures on irregular migrants in Europe recently published by the Pew Research Center are methodologically incorrect and conceptually flawed in the case of Germany.

•  Amongst other things, asylum seekers are incorrectly classified as irregular migrants, although European and German legislation explicitly allows their stay during the asylum procedure.

•  When adjusted for incorrectly included groups of migrants as well as for the official number of irregular migrants, the estimates become redundant (zero).

ISBN: 978-3-948289-03-4 Open Access
Hosner, Roland (2020): One million irregular migrants in Germany? A methodological critique of estimates of irregular migrants in Europe published by Pew Research Center. DeZIM Briefing Notes 2 - BN-2020_01, Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM).