Publikationstyp: Sammelbandbeitrag

Surveying Syrians in Diaspora

Untertitel: Methodological Aspects for Planning and Implementing Longitudinal Studies

AutorInnen: Hosner, Roland; Kohlenberger, Judith; Buber-Ennser, Isabella; Rengs, Bernhard Publikationsjahr: 2020

Hosner, Roland; Kohlenberger, Judith; Buber-Ennser, Isabella; Rengs, Bernhard (2020): Surveying Syrians in Diaspora: Methodological Aspects for Planning and Implementing Longitudinal Studies. In: Carlson, Elwood D.; Williams, Nathalie E. (Hg.): Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations. European Studies of Population, 20. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 29-54.