Publikationstyp: Methodenbericht
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination - Codebook
AutorInnen: Lancee, Bram; Birkelund, Gun; Coenders, Marcel; Di Stasio, Valentina; Fernández Reino, Marina; Heath, Anthony; Koopmans, Ruud; Larsen, Edvard; Polavieja, Javier; Ramos, Maria; Soiné, Hannah; Thijssen, Lex; Veit, Susanne; Yemane, Ruta Publikationsjahr: 2019
The GEMM codebook documents the variables that are collected in the GEMM project: A cross-national harmonized correspondence study on ethnic discrimination in hiring. Data is collected in Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, Britain, and Spain. The codebook describes in detail all variables and its coding; it differentiates variables on the applicant level, the vacancy level, and the employer level. Furthermore, where applicable, country differences are discussed.