Publikationstyp: Methodenbericht
Validation Study of the DeZIM Picture Database Faces
Untertitel: Brief Study Report (Version 1.0.0)
AutorInnen: Veit, Susanne; Ehmeir, Judith; Zey, Elli; Essien, Iniobong; Stelter, Marleen; Degner, Juliane Publikationsjahr: 2023

MIND.set - Validation study of the DeZIM Picture Database: Faces.
The DeZIM Picture Database: Faces (Veit & Essien, 2022) contains portrait photographs of women andmen suitable for use as stimulus material in experimental procedures such as the Implicit Association Test(e.g., Greenwald et al., 1998) and the Affect Misattribution Procedure (Payne et al., 2005). These pictures wereprofessionally taken by a hired photographer between late 2020 and early 2021. The individuals portrayedwere photographed in public spaces in Berlin, as they appeared in terms of clothing and styling on the day ofthe photo session. The portraits are accessible for download and use under a cc-by non-commercial licence via the DeZIM.fdz upon e-mail request and in the MIND.set media pool for registered users.
The DeZIM Image Database: Faces (Veit & Essien, 2022) consists of a total of 195 portrait photos. These images are categorized by gender and allocated to four groups, representing distinct phenotypes that are more likely to be associated with specific regions of origin or social groups. A description of each group is provided below, and Table 1 presents two examples for each group.
Group 1: This group comprises 31 portraits of women and 22 portraits of men who are more likely to be attributed to the MENA region (Middle East, Northern Africa), Turkey, or Southern European countries.
Group 2: This group consists of 22 portraits of women and 25 portraits of men who are more likely to be perceived as individuals of White origin, associated with Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe, or North America.
Group 3: This group includes 22 portraits of women and 27 portraits of men who are more likely to be perceived as Black individuals or associated with people of African origin.
Group 4: This group encompasses 22 portraits of women and 24 portraits of men who are more likely to be perceived as individuals of East-Asian origin, associated with Central, East, or Southeast Asian countries.