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- Diversity and variety: DeZIM publications and projects
The DeZIM Institute is intensively involved in research on shaping diversity and variety in various areas of society. On this page we publish a selection of our projects and publications.
It is essential to combine diversity and anti-discrimination in a diversity study and thus take into account groups that are vulnerable to discrimination and racism.Prof Dr Sabrina Zajak, Head of the Consensus & Conflict Department and Project Manager ‘Diversity in the Federal Administration’
The study deals with diversity and anti-discrimination in the federal administration using the example of the BMFSFJ. The aim of the project was to comprehensively survey diversity and how it is dealt with in the day-to-day work of a top federal authority along various diversity dimensions.
To the publication: „Diversität in der Bundesverwaltung am Beispiel des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend“ PDF, 7 MB(german)
Civil society projects make a decisive contribution to shaping diversity and reducing discrimination. In annual focus reports, we show which approaches work well and how the projects can be supported even better.Dr Olaf Kleist, Co-Head of the Expert Group "Democracy Promotion and Democratic Practice"
Discrimination prevents participation. Our analysis shows: Organisational development that is critical of discrimination must be promoted for schools, youth welfare services and social work. This means: more diversity organisation and competence in dealing with racism, anti-Semitism and queer hostility.Dr Christian Sowa, author of ‘Shaping a diverse society’