Diversity and variety: publications and projects

The DeZIM Institute is intensively involved in research on shaping diversity and variety in various areas of society. On this page we publish a selection of our projects and publications.

It is essential to combine diversity and anti-discrimination in a diversity study and thus take into account groups that are vulnerable to discrimination and racism.
Prof Dr Sabrina Zajak, Head of the Consensus & Conflict Department and Project Manager ‘Diversity in the Federal Administration’



The study deals with diversity and anti-discrimination in the federal administration using the example of the BMFSFJ. The aim of the project was to comprehensively survey diversity and how it is dealt with in the day-to-day work of a top federal authority along various diversity dimensions.

To the publication: „Diversität in der Bundesverwaltung am Beispiel des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend“ PDF, 7 MB(german)


Civil society projects make a decisive contribution to shaping diversity and reducing discrimination. In annual focus reports, we show which approaches work well and how the projects can be supported even better.
Dr Olaf Kleist, Co-Head of the Expert Group "Democracy Promotion and Democratic Practice"
Discrimination prevents participation. Our analysis shows: Organisational development that is critical of discrimination must be promoted for schools, youth welfare services and social work. This means: more diversity organisation and competence in dealing with racism, anti-Semitism and queer hostility.
Dr Christian Sowa, author of ‘Shaping a diverse society’